The Client
CVG makes bold, high-performance athletic gear for women who crush every workout. A direct-to-consumer powerhouse, they cultivate a lively, tapped-in social community to generate massive demand online, and use regular, limited-edition drops to fuel ongoing growth.
The Challenge
CVG drives revenue with a highly successful flash sale strategy, but the sheer popularity of their sales had created a few growing pains: During peak traffic periods, third-party apps were liable to crash, dragging down server speeds and affecting conversions. To maximize revenue, CVG needed to ensure optimum performance during flash sales and other critical promotion periods.

• Stable Flash Sale Theme Development
• Cart Optimizations
• Site Speed Enhancements
The Results
Average Site Speed
Improvement YOY
Increase in
Revenue YOY
Reduction in
Bounce Rates
How We Did It
To completely eliminate slow-downs and crashes, we built a stripped-down flash sale theme that performs like a ferrari and sells like the wind. Apps and lead magnets are great for supporting your sales funnel, but they can also negatively affect site performance at scale. Since Shopify Plus themes are designed for speed at the codebase level, we created a version of CVG’s storefront with all non-conversion focused third-party apps switched off, including those controlling:
• Reviews
• Popups
• Photo Carousels
• Chat
• Upsells
As a result, P3 improved CVG’s average site speed by 30%, and improved peak traffic site speed by more than 50% compared with the same sale event the previous year.
Correspondingly, we reduced CVG’s bounce rate by 27% compared with a typical non-sale period. That’s important because the more time customers spend on your site, the more likely they are to make a purchase.
To improve the cart experience on slower mobile connections, we performed a full audit to surface and resolve usability issues that can arise when cart elements load sequentially. For instance, we found that on the slowest connections, carts tended to load with the XS size option pre-selected, creating more confusion, misplaced orders, and returns.
Addressing frictional components of the checkout experience allowed P3 to improve CVG’s cart conversion rates by 27% compared with a typical non-sale period. Last-mile optimizations like these are often overlooked, but they’re essential to maximizing eCommerce sales because they make it easier for your likeliest buyers to follow through.
To permanently improve CVG’s user experience, we minified their unused code and resolved all documented bugs. Now new and returning users will enjoy snappier site performance day in and day out, even with all of CVG’s third-party apps switched on.
And all of these improvements have had a huge impact on sales. By properly preparing their tech stack to handle a surge in conversion-focused traffic, P3 helped CVG generate 20% more revenue during their annual summer flash sale YOY, even as the number of visitors to the CVG website remained virtually the same over both periods.
CVG are experts in generating massive online demand for their bold workout wear and activating that demand with a powerful flash sale strategy. P3 helps them maximize revenue during crucial promotional periods by optimizing their site to scale seamlessly on Shopify Plus.