How To Set Up Inventory Alerts With Shopify Flow

How To Set Up Inventory Alerts With Shopify Flow



Hi Everyone, My name is Aanarav Sareen and I'm one of the founders of P3 Media. All retail businesses have one thing in common: the need to know exactly how many units they have on hand and when they need to replenish their inventory. One of the benefits of Shopify Flow is that it allows you to set up alerts for a number of different type of system events– orders, customers, products and a whole lot more.In this tutorial, we are going to take a look at how to set up a flow to get inventory alerts. From your Shopify Admin, go to Apps > Shopify Flow. Click on 'Create Workflow' On the first part of the flow, set your trigger event to be when inventory qty is changed. If you'd like to be more specific, you can add another condition to only apply to certain tagged items. In this case, we'll use the 'Sale' tag. Then, we're going to add another condition that says that this flow is only active for items that have a total of less than 5 items in inventory. With our conditions selected, we're going to setup an email alert that informs the recipient of this situation. And that's it! Being on top of inventory is crucial to any business and Shopify Flow makes the process significantly easier.

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